Infinite Intelligence
633 Days Inside by Greg Lindberg
Infinite Intelligence

Eternal vigilance in
the search for truth
and self-awareness
is the only key to
lasting success.

am more convinced than ever that my entire FPC Montgomery experience was part of the plan of infinite intelligence.
It can be difficult to find meaning and value in the more unpleasant and minutiae moments in life. I know this well. Here is a breakdown of your day when checking in at FPC Montgomery:
When self-surrendering, you arrive at the visitor center at the Maxwell Air Force Base. You enter the visitor center lounge and tell the officer on duty that you are there to report to FPC Montgomery as an inmate.
The officers at the visitor center take “custody” of you and will contact the camp, and they will send someone from R&D (Receiving & Discharge) to come and pick you up. The R&D officer will be driving a white van. They pat you down and place you in the van.
They also ask you to sign paperwork stating that you are reporting on said date. They issue you a mask and escort you back to the camp. All newly arriving inmates are quarantined for 14 to 21 days—everyone is housed in a separate unit until they are released from quarantine.
When you surrender, you are not allowed to keep any clothing, unauthorized medications (even if over-the counter), or personal items. You cannot bring in any books with the exception of a Bible. All unauthorized personal items—including the clothes in which you present—you are given the option to have mailed to your residence via the United States Postal Service at your own expense or simply thrown away in the trash.
When you arrive at R&D, you will be placed in a waiting area either by yourself or with other inmates. You will be placed into a cell to wait to be processed for intake. You remain in the waiting area (cell) for a number of minutes or even up to an hour or more before being called out, depending on how busy the duty officers are at the moment. If you are held with other inmates, each inmate will be called out individually to undergo the initial intake process. There may be more than one R&D officer in the department at this time. During the entire process, you are asked many questions by the R&D staff. Questions about your crime, sexual orientation, marital status, general health questions, and if you are a witness against another inmate in a court case. The process is conducted in a very business-like manner, and it is very impersonal. It is humiliating and degrading, but it’s important to remember that the staff is just doing their job. After an initial round of questions, the next step is the strip search.
Afterward, you are given khaki or green pants, shirts and a pair of black boots. The black boots are the most uncomfortable pair of footwear ever made—your feet will begin to ache within ten footsteps. Then you are taken back to the quarantine unit where the usual intake process will be completed. You will be seen by a nurse to determine whether or not you have shown up under the influence of drugs or alcohol, have exhibited suicidal ideation, or are otherwise so agitated that you may be a danger to yourself or others. They will take your temperature and you will be given COVID-19 and TB tests.
Afterward, you will meet one member of your team officially (i.e., case manager, case counselor, or unit secretary) who will sit you down in an office and go over your legal file, mostly having you sign myriad bureaucratic forms (e.g., forms about health care, indemnity, emergency contacts information, etc.). You will be taken to the laundry department where you will be issued a full set of clothing (from underwear to the uniform (green or khaki, multiple pairs) you will wear daily, a bedroll, pillow, towels, and a hygiene kit. You will also be provided your Admission and Orientation (A&O) handbook.
At this point, you are dropped off in quarantine to begin your prison sentence. In quarantine, you are not allowed to leave the unit and you are not allowed to have interaction with any other staff during the twoweek incubation period.
I include all of this to highlight that a state change, even the most tedious and jarring, can be crucial to your development as a human. A simple way to handle such jarring transitions in your life: resolve to process the information and accept the information you learn as a necessary part of your life plan.
Melvin Vopson, in his recent paper, “Experimental protocol for testing the mass-energy-information equivalence principle,” predicts that information is the 5th element of matter in the universe and that information has mass and energy like other forms of matter. This could then, in turn, explain the 90+ percent of the mass of the universe that physicists have called “dark matter.”
By combining information theory and physical principles of thermodynamics, Vopson’s theoretical proposals make specific predictions about the mass of information, as well as the most probable information content per elementary particle.
If the universe is primarily made up of information, then that information is ordered and has a plan. That is what information is by definition: an orderly syntropy-bringing force. And that syntropycreating force is required for our DNA to replicate and thus is creating who we are every femtosecond.
In his July 2022 paper, “A possible information entropic law of genetic mutations,” Vopson notes that the current scientific consensus is that genetic mutations are random processes. “According to the Darwinian theory of evolution, only natural selection determines which mutations are beneficial in the course of evolution, and there is no deter ministic correlation between any parameter and the probability that these mutations will occur,” Vopson says. However, taking into account information theory and the previously unobserved relationship between the information entropy of genomes and their mutation dynamics, one comes to a different conclusion, Vopson says. Specifically, “We are able to formulate a governing law of genetic mutations, stating that genomes undergo genetic mutations over time driven by a tendency

If you have sufficient information, you can reverse entropy and create syntropy.

to reduce their overall information entropy, challenging the existing Darwinian paradigm.”
The implication of Vopson’s latest work: our creator is creating us every femtosecond as our mitochondrial electron transport chains spin up highly excited electrons and protons that tunnel
to non-local information, which in turn provides the information that adapts our DNA to the design of our creator. Evolution is not a random process of mutations and survival of the fittest. But rather, evolution is
driven by advantageous adaptions sourced from non-local information that has the effect of reducing entropy and promoting syntropy. In this way, all living creatures adapt to their environments in the most efficient way to ensure syntropy. At the core, life is the process of accessing non-local information via quantum tunneling in order to bring order to entropy. And all entropy is simply missing information. If you have sufficient information, you can reverse entropy and create syntropy.
The practical implications for this principle are profound. The more you promote mitochondrial biogenesis through fasting, freezing, aggressive exercise and mental challenges, the more electrons you produce on your electron transport chain to power quantum tunneling. And the more power you have for quantum tunneling, the more non-local information you can access to reduce the entropy you encounter through quantum wave resonance. In other words, you adapt to your environment quicker with a higher mitochondrial copy number and greater mitochondrial mass. Some studies have suggested that over half of the human genome is expressed epigenetically—which means that you are literally creating yourself through interactions with your environment.
A portion of your brain and body exist in a state of quantum coherence that accesses information on a non-local basis. And when this quantum coherence is disturbed from various environmental perturbations, the decoherence of classical reality drives epigenetic changes to restore your quantum coherence. In very simple terms: challenge yourself and your body will genetically alter itself to adapt to your new environmental conditions by accessing non-local information.

In very simple terms: challenge yourself and your body will genetically alter itself to adapt to your new environmental conditions by accessing non-local information.

I believe that in my 633 days in prison, my genes expressed themselves in an entirely new way, driven by the hormetic influence of the prison environment, my fasting, my freezing cold showers, and the aggressive physical and mental challenges I endured. All these changes were advantageous adaptations that helped me become stronger—and turn the adversity of prison into an even greater advantage.
Dirk Meijer, a professor emeritus at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, suggests in his 2020 paper, “Water, The Cradle of Life via its Coherent Quantum Frequencies,” that this quantum coherence of the body and mind is maintained by the harmonic frequency of pure water. “A new order parameter characteristic for water molecule assembly has been revealed, which implies quantum coherency and entanglement,” says Meijer.
Specifically, “we may assume that water molecule assembly shows electromagnetic and electronic collective states that contain ‘quantum imprints or molds’ for living cells,” Meijer says. Since water molecules have a comparable distribution of coherent electromagnetic field (EMF) bands to that of fluid assemblies in living cells, a resonant wave interaction is expected between the cytoplasm and surrounding water molecules, Meijer says.
In plain English: pure water exists in our cytoplasm and exists in a state of quantum coherence. This implies pure water is entangled with non-local information that is critical for the replication of every human cell. So, the more mitochondrial biogenesis you have through fasting, freezing, mental challenges, and physical challenges, the higher your rate of access to non-local information, which is required to maintain your quantum coherence.

So, the more mitochondrial biogenesis you have through fasting, freezing, mental challenges, and physical challenges, the higher your rate of access to non-local information, which is required to maintain your quantum coherence.

The more quantum coherence you have, the more information you have to combat the entropy you encounter in the every-day world. And the more you counteract the entropy you encounter, the more syntropy you create and the more you improve the survival rate of your cells through advantageous adaptions.
Quite simply, by failing to challenge yourself with hormetic perturbations (i.e. pain), the weaker you become and the closer to entropy and death you are. Life is syntropy, death is entropy.
According to Meijer, consciousness resides in a field surrounding the brain and it shares information with the brain through quantum entanglement. Meijer says that this field of consciousness “transmits wave information into the brain tissue, that … is instrumental in highspeed conscious and subconscious information processing.” In other words, the “mind” is a field that exists around the brain; it picks up information from outside the brain and communicates it to the brain in an extremely fast process, explains editor and reporter Tara MacIsaac.
Meijer described this field alternately as “a holographic structured field,” a “receptive mental workspace,” a “meta-cognitive domain,” and the “global memory space of the individual.”

Quite simply, by failing to challenge yourself with hormetic perturbations (i.e. pain), the weaker you become and the closer to entropy and death you are. Life is syntropy, death is entropy.

Meijer’s theory is similar to another theory called “orchestrated objective reduction,” or “Orch-OR,” that was developed by physicist Sir Roger Penrose and anesthesiologist Dr. Stuart Hameroff. Hameroff describes the theory: “… it suggests consciousness arises from quantum vibrations in protein polymers called microtubules inside the brain’s neurons.”
Penrose and Hamerof say “there is a connection between the brain’s biomolecular processes and the basic structure of the universe.” This ties to Vopson’s theory of information as having both mass and energy as the 5th element of matter. If the universe is primarily information, and if your very consciousness requires a quantum coherence to create a non-local quantum wave resonance with that information, then you should take your quantum coherence very seriously.
Practically, what does this mean?
(a) Be very careful with electronics, since their harmonic frequencies may upset your quantum coherence.
(b) Be very careful with negative people who may likewise emit de-coherent quantum frequencies that can harm your access to non-local information.
(c) Fast regularly, exercise regularly, and challenge yourself mentally. All of these improve your quantum coherence.